High performance, fast drying cold metal forming lubricant, suitable for use with a wide range of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, including a range of galvanized and zinc-coated steels.

  • Vanishing film — removes the need to clean or heat degrease components once formed
  • Prevents splitting, pick-up and scoring, resulting in minimal scrap rates
  • Minimises ‘slug pulling’ on thin gauge materials
  • Increases production rate with reduced lubricant usage
  • Maximises tool/die life.
  • Suitable for food packaging.

Product information

High performance, light viscosity cold metal forming lubricant, suitable for use with a wide range of ferrous and non-ferrous metals including a range of galvanized and zintec coated steels.

Contains extreme pressure additives which prevent metal pick up between the work piece and tool and provide a cost effective route to increased production rates.

Works as a vanishing film, eliminating the need to degrease components in some circumstances.

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ULTRAFORM 1050 - Rocol

Data Sheets / Certificates



Part Codes

20L - 86103

200L - 86109